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December 2013 Newsletter

Hello to all our fabulous Horsemens ARC Members, 


We would like to wish you & your families a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.  We hope you find lots of time for your horses in 2014 and achieve your goals, and accomplish your new years resolutions!


We will look forward to seeing you and your horses next year for another exciting year!


Best Wishes,


Horsemens ARC Committee 2013


On behalf of our club we would like to thank Marie for all her hardwork and dedication to the club throughout the year.  We wish you Marie a speedy recover after your shoulder surgery, and hope you and your family enjoy your well earned rest over the Christmas break.

Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you again in 2014!



                                              Cocktail Party - including AGM & Trophy Presentation


We all had a fantastic night upstairs at the State Equestrian Centre on Friday night 22nd November 2013.  For our members that didn't attend we would like to share with you our wonderful President Marie's report of our 2013 season:


"It is a pleasure to be here with you all this evening at our 2013 Cocktail and Presentation Night, thank you for attending.  We have much to celebrate this evening.


I started to make a short list of people that I had to thank and soon realised that pretty much everyone in the room needed to be thanked for something they had contributed this year to the club, so Thank You!


The following people however went above and beyond, and I would like to take the time to thank them personally:


Kelly (Bryan) you have done a fabulous job with canteen and provision of food throughout the year - and especially this evening at the club's Cocktail Party - Thank You Kelly!


And to Suzi (Suzanne Brown) who has patiently kept the club ticking along with her many multitudes of jobs and responsibilities - great effort - Thank You!


And Bec (Rebecca Lawrence) who has been challenged in more ways than she thought possible, I think she has earnt a diploma in people skills and organisational skills this year - Thank you!


Karina (Graham) you have created a fantastic website which was followed on from your very creative newsletters - and your time and effort spent organising our successful end of year gymkhana - great job.


Thank you to Elise (Tutcher); your donations of horse supplements to the club for raffles and time spent organising sponsorship gifts.


Julie (Binns) for proving fabulous First Aid assistance at rallies and last minute sewing expertise at our first ARCA Challenge!


Terena (Lomas) for your support, and organising the Trade Stalls and Sponsorship at our Gymhkana.


Joanna (Booker) for organising our wonderful Cocktail evening venue - great night - and thank you for organising helpers at our rallies.


The ladies Jamie & Carley (Mitchell) who have done a great job as our Treasurers for 2013 -


Sue (Smith) for arranging and organising the use of Swan Valley Pony Club's facilities of the equipment and the canteen.


I would like to mention a special Thank You to Steve Smith, Sue's husband, who has been so diligent in coming to the rallies and assisting us with set up and pack away - Thank you for your time!


The club has had a great year on many different levels and I am grateful to be a part of it.  I was voted in as President for 2013 and without going into the politics, it was obvious from a financial and membership perspective, the club needed to spread it's wings.  So here we are at our new club grounds - the State Equestrian Centre's 'Swan Fields'.  I would also like to acknowledge the Swan Valley Pony Club, for utilization of their canteen and equipment facilities, to which as an additional gesture of appreciation, Horsemens Adult Riding Club has donated $700 to assist the Swan Valley Pony Club in the purchase of a portable Dressage Arena which both clubs will stand to benefit from.


It has been a truly wonderful experience to meet you all this year, and be part of a club where you the members are kind and considerate, and share horse tales of the high's and lows of your adventures with your four legged friend, whilst providing encouragement and support for each other.  I would like to acknowledge the fabulous coaches this year, and their contribution in providing us with furthering our equitation knowledge and skill.


The 2013 Winter ARCA Challenge will remain very memorable for us, bringing home the club's first winning Trophy! Thank you to the club's representatives; you did your club proud! Thank you to Suzi and Karina who both provided the use of their beautiful properties to allow us the additional practise.  I would really like to encourage all members to attend whether that be ridden or unridden, they are a great team experience.  Please feel free at any time to come and ask for some help or support if you are unsure, or find it a little overwhelming.  We have all been there at some stage and are only too happy to help.


The year has entailed many trials and tribulations along the way, with many that still cause a giggle upon reflection... especially the words of Bec "You're Joking... You're Bloody Joking!!!" as Bec and Karen became accidently locked in the Clubhouse, and Karen braved a window execution out to where a few of us stood with plenty of tears and laughter to end the day with.  Pack away was never the same again after that!


We have had some spectacular dismounts during the year with anne taking the first, but now back riding from knee surgery.  Steph requiring ambulance transportation, Jo needing surgery on a broken finger, and even my own unscheduled dismounts resulting in surgery.


Throughout all there are so many people that make this club as successful as it is - we have our highest membership rate with now having an Associate Membership so more people can be a part of a great club.  The word is out and so many people are saying how great the club is... they are all wanting to be a part of it, as we too are wanting them to be a part of it!


Thank you all again for a fantastic memorable year.  I will look forward to seeing you back with possibly some new faces for 2014, which will be bigger and better as we continue to strive forward."


Marie Davison


Horsemens Adult Riding Club










                      Trophy Winners 2013


Green Rider Flatwork

Champion: Liz Harbron

Runner Up: Fiona Attard


Green Horse Flatwork

Champion: Suzanne Brown

Runner Up: Lesley Owen


Intermediate Flatwork

Two Champion: Julie Binns & Terena Lomas

Runner Up: Leeann Crowe


Advanced Flatwork

Two Champions: Sue Smith & Joanna Booker

Runner Up: Ellen Stonehouse


Green Horse Flatwork/Trot Poles

Champion: Rose Monastra

Two Runner Up's: Stephanie Gate & Felicity Baxter


Intermediate Flatwork/Trot Poles

Champion: Kirsty Burns

Runner Up: Stacey Herrick


Green Horse Gridwork

Champion: Suzanne Brown

Runner Up: Felicity Baxter


Intermediate Gridwork

Champion: Kathleen Carrington

Runner Up: Cathy Bush


45cm Show Jumping

Champion: Karen Fanderlinden

Runner Up: Rebecca Lawrence


65cm Show Jumping

Champion: Jocelyn Beldi

Runner Up: Eve Muir


85cm Show Jumping

Champion: Sue Smith

Two Runner Up's: Mary Day & Bianca Walker


Cross Country

Five Champions:    Bianca Walker

                               Ellen Stonehouse

                               Jacqui Donhou

                               Marie Davison

                               Michelle Page








Click the photo to see our

Cocktail Party Collage

Congratulations Everyone!

IBec & Zeus

IFrana & Yani

            Our NEW 2014 Horsemens ARC Committee



Management Committee


President:                  Marie Davison

Vice President:          Rebecca Lawrence

Secretary:                   Suzanne Brown

Treasurer:                  Felicity Baxter

Rally Co-ordinator:  Karina Graham

General Committee:  Kelly Bryan

                                   Carley Mitchell

                                   Frana Jones

                                   Jamie Mitchell

                                   Sue Smith

                                   Elise Tutcher

                                   Joanna Booker




Canteen Manager:    Michelle Page

Helper Duties Co:     Frana Jones

Equipment Manger:  Sue Smith

Uniforms:                  Ellen Stonehouse

Events Co-ordinator: Rebecca Lawrence

Fundraising:              Elise Tutcher





ISuzi & Flash

IMarie & Millie

2014 Rally Dates


March 14th

April 11th

May 9th

June 20th

July 4th

August 8th

September 12th

October 24th

November 7th

2014 School Terms


Term 1 Monday 3 Feb - Friday 11th April

Break: Sat. 12th April - Sun 27th April


Term2: Monday 28th April - Friday 4th July

Break: Sat. 5th July - Sun. 20th July


Term 3: Monday 21 July - Friday 26th September

Break: Sat. 27th Sept. - Sun 12th Oct.


Term 4: Monday 13th October - Thursday 18th Dec.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and 2014 Membership

Membership numbers will remain at 60 members for 2014 & Membership Renewal Forms will be available in the new year. Make sure you return your forms quickly with payment because we have many people on the waiting list eagerly hoping they will get a riding place. 

Merry Christmas Everyone!

© 2015 by Horsemens Adult Riding Club

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