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Horsemens Adult Riding Club

November 2013 Newsletter

Presidents Report

What a fantastic and successful first year I feel I have had as President at our new grounds.  I have had the pleasure to meet most of you throughout the year and love what you and your horses bring to the club and remember it is you the members that make the club what it is - an exciting friendly supportive club along with a very hard working and dedicated committee working tirelessly in the background - Thank you.


The Interclub Challenge was a fantastic day with everyone putting in such a great effort whether it be in the dressage tests or in the freestyle tests to which some of our creative members put together some great costumes with music to match - a big thank you to everyone who came, rode and/or participated you did the club proud - well done... "Go Horsemens"


Our last rally is a Gymkhana - where the committee has put in a lot of time and effort to ensure you all have a fun filled day!!!! So please make the effort to come along whether you are riding or not!!  Then I guess our four legged friends will get a much deserved break over the Christmas holidays and the riders of course.


I look forward to seeing you return next year - enrolment packs will be sent out in the not too distant future and riding members will get first preference than any vacancies will be taken up by our associate members...


Also look out for our END OF YEAR COCKTAIL PARTY -  it promises to be a great evening - with trophies being awarded for each class!!!!


Marie Davison

Horsemens ARC President




from the editor...

Karina & Max

As we near the end of another ARC season, I would like to say a big Thank you to all our members who contributed stories and poems to our newsletter this year:


March      - Julie Binns          "Mini Mission"

                 - Haylee Barker     "For Boo"

April         - Sue Smith           "Eventing Fun"

May          - Janet Cameron  "Snowy River Ride"

June         - Michelle Page     "Growing Up In Singapore"

July/Aug  - Mary Day            "King of the One Horse Sport"

October    - Janet Cameron  "Denmark to Noonalup Rail Trail"


I hope you all enjoyed reading the articles and found the newsletter kept you well informed about our club and latest events.  If you are interested in helping with the newsletter next year and sourcing members stories, please fill out the AGM nominations form.


Happy Hors'n,


Karina Graham

On Sunday 27th October 2013 thirteen members, floats, horses, beautiful weather & FLIES arrived at the Orange Grove ARC's home grounds to compete at the ARCA Spring Dressage Challenge.  Three different clubs within the Adult Riding Club Association nominate to hold one of three Challenges per year; Autumn, Winter and Spring. All the ARC clubs (registered with ARCA) around WA can come to compete against each other. Orange Grove ARC chose Dressage, and their members performed outstanding winning the High Point Trophy!  Our members had a ball with lots of giggling and belly laughs!! To read all about our day ...



Spring Challenge

Libby & Snowy

Suzanne & Flash

Tuesday 5:30pm

Upper Swan Primary School


Wednesday/Friday 9:30am

Oakover Estate Winery


Joanna Booker is a qualified physiotherapist and has been teaching Pilates since 1998.


Great For Horse Riders!




Joanna Booker

0412  994 590


Club Saddle Blankets


  • Great Quality Zilco saddle blanket

  • Embroidered with our Club Logo

  • We have already had lots of comments at the Challenge at how great they look

  • Available to pick up at our Gymkhana

  • All Purpose or Dressage Size





2013 AGM

Nominations Are Now Open

For All Positions


If you are interested, and have a little bit of spare time; consider a position on Horsemens ARC Committee.  We meet once a month to organise future events and discuss other issues that arise.

To see descriptions of positions:






          Perth Rider Magazine

Read about Horsemens member Charlie Allen who rode in Botswana in 2012.  What an adventure to be a part of & I'm sure life changing!  Read the full story "Safari Around The Globe" in the October issue of Perth Rider.

Members Only Gymkhana

15th November 2013


Dressage  Show Jumping  Handy Pony


Barrel Racing   Trade Stalls


Great Fun!!!

Only a few days left to enter.

Please join us for our

Cocktail Party

22nd November 2013

Upstairs at the State Equestrian Centre

Dress To Impress

Partners invited

Join us for drinks & Hors D'oeuvres

Bar Open

Trophy Presentation and AGM


For more information                                        




to Suzanne Brown (our Secretary) & family

on the arrival of their new baby boy



Naming Competition!

This adorable little colt is yet to be named!


Can YOU think of a name? Suzanne needs a

Show Name and a Stable Name?

The people that create the best two names, chosen by Suzanne, will win a Cuddle & Photo with this super cute boy (photos to be included in the next newsletter) & Chocolates & Wine!

Email your names to


Dun Colt

Sire: Golden Rock

Dam: Aztec Gold

Royal Show Winners

Fiona Attard & Radial Pie

Congratulations to Horsemens member Fiona and her beautiful Standardbred 'Pie' who won CHAMPION MARE! at this years' Perth Royal show. Fiona also won her rider class and 3rd in Best Presented, which is a fantastic achievement. Well Done to you both!


Fiona & Pie are becoming celebrities... also getting their photo in Perth Rider Magazine for the ARCA Winter Challenge!

Foal Brag

Email your baby's photo for the next Newsletter


Dates To Remember 2013


15th November - Members Only Gymkhana

22nd November - End of Year Cocktail Party

See You At The Gymkhana!

Julie Binns

© 2015 by Horsemens Adult Riding Club

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